Strengthened for Success: Setting Goals and Stacking Habits

2024-12-31T09:23:57+00:00December 30th, 2024|Featured, Personal Development, Setting goals, Spiritual Development|

God hasn’t only equipped us with what we need for godliness, but also with all we need for life (2 Peter 1:3). Although there are uncertainties we face, the Bible is full of practical wisdom and speaks on the importance of vision. Having a strategy is important to support us in pursuing and accomplishing goals. Without it, dreams die. Yet, with it, we have direction. We are better equipped to run with the Holy Spirit into our destiny marked by hope and expectancy. If you’ve got a dream, surely the enemy will try to intercept it from without or within. While he cannot abort what God has predetermined for you, he often seeks to dismantle confidence in the identity and in God’s faithfulness to persuade you to lose heart and give up. Mapping vision gives you a structure to rest on when you encounter obvious frustrations as well as setbacks you didn’t anticipate. Though you might be tempted to abandon your aims when roadblocks oppose your efforts, you can activate both spiritual and practical strategies to account for the inevitable unknowns in the low places. Often, once we are on the other side of a struggle, having accomplished a goal, we realize that some of those more challenging lessons were essential in developing our character and skill. Whether we are refining our personal development through setting goals or forming habits, acquiring new skills helps us to forge endurance in difficulty. Without those experiences, we would lack some of the core competencies that life demands. Often, we don’t see our resilience or recognize how we continue to rebound from trouble. Yet, God retools these to fortify us, building our resolve and resilience for what's now and next. Systems for Your Success SMART Goal Getter Having a system such as the [...]