How to Communicate Boundaries in Friendships

2024-09-27T10:24:55+00:00May 22nd, 2024|Featured, Individual Counseling, Personal Development, Relationship Issues|

The boundaries in friendships you set will likely differ for every relationship in your life. Take time to consider what boundaries are important and healthy in each friendship. Think about the behaviors and actions that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed and use this information to help guide you as you draw your boundaries. How to communicate the boundaries to others After determining where to set healthy boundaries, it’s time to communicate them to the other person in the relationship. Reinforce their value A good way to start a conversation about relationship boundaries is to reiterate your positive feelings about your friend. Help them to feel valued and respected. Be specific and sincere in your compliments and your feelings about the relationship. Communicate clearly Be honest and direct in your communication. It might be helpful to write your boundaries down before you express them. This will help you organize your thoughts and allow you to communicate clearly. Be specific Try to be specific when communicating your boundaries. Don’t use vague language that might be unclear. Instead, give specific statements about what you need. State what you need Focus your statements on what you request of your friend, rather than what you don’t like in the relationship. Avoid directly blaming them or pointing out their faults. Instead, focus on what you need. Remain calm Your message will be better received if you stay calm. Find a time and place when you can talk calmly with your friend about your boundaries. Do not raise your voice. Keep your body language and facial expression pleasant and friendly. Don’t apologize or make excuses Avoid the temptation to make excuses or to apologize for your boundaries. Realize that you have the right to draw healthy and reasonable limits and that doing so will ultimately [...]