Couples Counseling

Premarital Counseling: Practical Support Before Getting Married

2025-01-25T05:35:22+00:00January 22nd, 2025|Couples Counseling, Featured, Premarital Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Our culture has undergone massive shifts in how we conduct our relationships and the mindset that informs our plays at love. Though many are choosing to cohabit or have other non-traditional couplings, others are still taking steps to celebrate their relationship through marriage. Getting married is an exciting journey that only begins when you say your vows and hopefully lasts a lifetime, making premarital counseling an important step. One of the ways you can strengthen your marriage by gaining tools to prepare you for marital bliss is through premarital counseling. The last thing on your mind during cake tastings or looking through color swatches and table settings is probably wondering who will take the trash out once you’re married. Premarital counseling may seem like it goes against the flow of the wedding rush, but it’s exactly what you need to set yourselves up for life. How Premarital Counseling Works Premarital counseling is a form of talk therapy for couples who have decided to get married. The couple speaks to a couples counselor who helps them to think about different aspects of what married life is like. The couple can meet with their counselor, or they can participate in group counseling with other couples on a similar journey toward marriage. The counseling sessions are typically held in person, but an online option is often available. Premarital counseling can be conducted from a Christian standpoint, highlighting, for instance, how Christian marriage works, questions about divorce and infidelity, as well as how the couple can nurture their faith, serve and support each other. Where premarital counseling is informed by Christian faith, that doesn’t mean that only Christians can benefit from it. Serving one another is a key aspect of any marriage, Christian or not. Premarital counseling sessions will typically be about [...]

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4 Fun Date Ideas for Married Couples

2024-09-27T10:22:53+00:00July 4th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

When you are married, it is easy for the relationship to get stagnant and it can be difficult to come up with date ideas. After a while, you can feel like you are just going through the motions. Adult life can get you carried away in the busyness of day-to-day life. Stress and pressures of work, chores, homework with the kids, and other family responsibilities can sap energy and motivation. With these realities in mind, it becomes important for a married couple to be intentional about spending uninterrupted quality time together away from these distractions. By spending time together, you are both reminded why you fell in love with your spouse in the first place. Coming up with date ideas and spending time together also allows you to rekindle your romance and revive intimacy in your relationship. As a married couple, you need to prioritize going on regular dates to strengthen your marital bond, as well as the emotional connection. By prioritizing dates, you intentionally disrupt the seemingly routine nature of marriage. This allows you and your spouse to create time to pursue other interests together. It is not uncommon to hear people describing their marriage as monotonous or routine. Marriage doesn’t need to be boring, neither should it start to feel like a chore. 4 Date Ideas for Married Couples If you don’t intentionally and consistently spend quality time with your spouse, they might start feeling neglected or disconnected from you. Dates for married people are an important investment that can have positive and lasting benefits for a couple. Explore these four date ideas for married couples. See if there is something you are interested in trying out with your spouse. Outdoor adventure There is something liberating and rejuvenating about the outdoors. It provides a much-needed break from [...]

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13 Healthy Boundaries in Marriage

, 2024-11-13T11:00:32+00:00May 13th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

When it comes to marriage you often fail to think about boundaries. You forget to be mindful of those small things that can make a difference in the dynamic of your marriage. Boundaries in marriage do not have to be authoritative. They simply have to define the expectation of acceptable behavior. What are healthy boundaries? Healthy boundaries are those that will protect your marriage but are not controlling in nature. They are essential in maintaining a marriage that will be the cornerstone of the family. Boundaries in marriage keep you from following the sinful nature of your flesh. Boundaries protect spouses, kids, and others. The first thing that every marriage needs to set healthy boundaries is godly love. Love that includes mercy and grace. Unconditional love. Not a love that is controlling or jealous. When you base your marriage on the love that God shows you then you will have a foundation that can uphold the boundaries that are healthy for marriages. Admire each other not others There is no way to keep you and your spouse away from other people. You need vacations. Date nights are more fun when you experience them doing something apart from everyday life. But sometimes these places can cause you to have your attention drawn away from your spouse. Human nature causes you to notice other people. The danger of taking too much notice can be avoided by learning how to keep yourself and your spouse out of those situations. Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adulterer and all the sexually immoral. – Hebrews 13:4, NIV Understand happiness and freedom When it comes to happiness you cannot hold each other responsible for the amount of happiness you experience. You have to choose [...]

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Signs of Emotional Infidelity and How it Affects Relationships

2024-10-29T15:05:15+00:00April 11th, 2024|Couples Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling, Infidelity and Affairs, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

People do not just function as purely rational beings; we are also deeply emotional, and that is just the way that God made us. Our emotions alert us to what is going on inside of us, and they can direct our actions in significant ways. For instance, deep anger at an injustice can drive you to agitate for change. Similarly, deep affection for someone may move you to care for them in ways you would not with a stranger. All of us have a deep need to feel seen and heard. When we find ourselves being unappreciated or overlooked by others, that can cause frustration as well as feelings of low self-worth. To rectify this, one might look elsewhere for the validation and sense of being appreciated that they seek. This is one of many varied reasons why people engage in emotional infidelity. Defining emotional infidelity One way of defining emotional infidelity is that it is when a person in a committed romantic relationship forms a deep level of connection with another person. This connection approximates or has the same level of emotional intimacy as a romantic relationship. It may even exceed the depth and quality of the connection to the primary committed relationship. An emotional affair is a non-sexual relationship in which two people share their emotions, thoughts, aspirations, and support with each other in ways that cross a line. When an emotional affair happens, the third party often becomes the one that is approached to share problems, secrets, and dreams with. These are all things that are typically shared in a committed relationship, but the emotional affair often displaces the legitimate partner. Some signs of emotional infidelity The line, between just friends and something more, can be a tricky one to discern. Some purely platonic relationships are [...]

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How to Tell If You’re in a Toxic Marriage: Signs and Symptoms

2024-10-29T15:06:08+00:00May 5th, 2023|Couples Counseling, Featured, Marriage Counseling, Relationship Issues|

Relationships are key to our well-being and flourishing. When our relationships are going great, our lives feel full, bursting with vitality, and it’s quite likely that we can face challenges with confidence. However, if things aren’t going so well in our relationships, it can affect everything else in our lives. This is especially true of a toxic marriage. If you have a tiff with your spouse at home in the morning, that can distract you all day while you’re at work, affecting your focus and productivity. But if your support structure is thriving, you can face and tackle even tough situations with gusto. We are, at our core, relational creatures. As bearers of God’s image, love and relationship are key to who we are (Genesis 1: 26-27; 1 John 4:16). In a marriage, you are at your most vulnerable; your spouse is the person who knows you through and through. They’ve seen you in your moments of exultation and triumph, but they’ve also seen you at your lowest moments of failure and shame. They’ve seen you naked – in all senses of that word – and their voice carries weight in ways that other peoples don’t. It’s no wonder then that Mike Mason, author of The Mystery Of Marriage, wrote that “there is nothing in the world worse than a bad marriage, and at the same time nothing better than a good one.” (Mason) The shape of a healthy marriage. When a marriage is good, it buoys you up in ways no other relationship can. A healthy marriage has several features that set it apart including: You are seen and heard. The world is a cacophonous jumble, and our voices often get lost in the swirl of competing voices that also desire attention. We often find ourselves trying to [...]

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